ORCID Scholar Number:

AU students are required to include their ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) number on the title page of their dissertations/theses. Doing so, will ensure that the dissertation and your identity are protected and acknowledged. Similar to periodicals having individual DOIs, the ORCID number becomes a researcher’s digital identification.

The ORCID number an individual numerical ID for researchers and is especially helpful in the online realm where researchers may be quickly identified through their scholar numbers. Having the number attached to any document also safeguards your intellectual work.

ORCID numbers are required for uploading your dissertation onto Ohiolink and Electronic Theses & Dissertations.  Keep a record of this number and include it with future grant and professional writing.

  • Your ORCID Scholar ID appears on your Title Page under your name.
  • This number should be submitted with all your scholarly publications.
  • The ORCID number ensures that all the papers citing your work will be counted.
  • The number individualizes you by distinguishing you from other authors with similar names.
  • ORCID also allows you to share information about yourself as a scholar on your ORCID page.

With the Thesis/ Dissertation:

After you defend your thesis/ dissertation, register with ORCID and then post your digital identification on your title page. To do so,

  1. Register for your ORCID identification: https://orcid.org/register
  2. Complete the form, include both your AU email and a personal email
  3. ORCID will send a verification email, which you must verify in order to receive your digital identification and develop your profile (optional).
  4. Your ORCID ID will be under your name on the left side of the registry page.
  5. Copy and paste the 16 numerical code onto the dissertation title page after your name with this preface: ORCID Scholar No.
  6. Read more about ORCID: https://orcid.org