WEX is pleased to feature our doctoral clients who are engaged in research in social justice or environmental issues. Marshall Adams is one such client.  An international doctoral student at AUNE’s Environmental Science program, Marshall demonstrates his commitment to sustainable forests not only in his work experience as a forest management and policy practitioner in Ghana but in his current research in forest policy and governance, in particular, the interaction of forest policy and sustainable development. Marshall’s Ph.D. dissertation forecast is on exploring mechanisms to strengthen timber producing countries and institutional capacities as good forest governance.

Marshall hired WEX professional editors to provide copy-editing and format editing. “With the professional editing, it makes me more confident about my writing when I compare it to free peer-editing. More importantly, professional editors give a balanced representation of various perspectives about my work. They evaluate the credibility and validity of research findings and conclusions apart from interviewees. I like professional editing for its conciseness, practically, and cost-effectiveness.”

All of us at WEX wish Marshall continued success. We believe the world benefits from the commitment of researchers dedicated to social and environmental issues.

Dr Marshall Adams, PhD from Antioch University