Please join The Writers’ Exchange in congratulating Michelle Babcock in the successful completion of her dissertation:


A survey to assess ADHD symptoms and detect feigning in adult ADHD: Initial scale development

My dissertation aimed to investigate the potential for developing a scale that helps support an adult ADHD diagnosis while discriminating between those who have ADHD and those who attempt to feign ADHD.


WEX is always interested in learning from successful writers about their process. Here, Michelle Babcock shares a few pointers:


What advice would you give to others writing a dissertation?

Start your dissertation early and make sure it is complete by 4th year and before your internship. If you need subjects, find them early in the process. Use your committee members because they will be your biggest advocates.

What are your next steps in your academic/professional career?

A 2-year postdoc in neuropsychology at the University of Toledo Medical Center.


Michelle Babcock, PsyD, Program in Clinical Psychology, Antioch University Seattle