Please join The Writers’ Exchange in congratulating Nicole White in the successful completion of their dissertation:


Caregivers and Healthcare Providers on Resources, Gaps in Care, and the Value of Down Syndrome Centers.

As people with Down syndrome are living longer and resources are sparse, this study examined how the facilitation of healthcare (social and medical) through the lens of caregivers and healthcare providers supporting a child with Down syndrome (Ds) may be best improved. Children with Ds often see many different specialists for medical care but also need a number of social supports to help them thrive among their peers and in the community. The findings of this study highlight the importance of Down syndrome Centers and where care may be improved.


WEX is always interested in learning from successful writers about their process. Here, Dr. Nicole White shares a few pointers:


How has WEX professional coaching/editing support promoted your academic and/or professional success?

WEX provided insight to a process that was new to me. They were supportive in providing me with direction, clarity, and a quick turnaround time with all of my questions, regardless of how big or small they were.

What advice would you give to others writing a dissertation?

Writing a dissertation is a journey. Be sure that your topic enlightens you and make a little more progress on it each day, knowing that your topic is going to influence or unveil something that others may not know much about.

What are your next steps in your academic/professional career?

More publications! I have several articles as a result of my doctoral studies that need to be published and I will probably remain active in research as I continue to work at a children’s hospital. There is a lot of work to be done to help support people with disabilities and I hope to continue my work in this sector, as a parent.


Nicole White, PhD, Graduate School in Leadership & Change, Antioch University