In addition to our professional services, we've developed resources to help you take the next step with your writing! Read them by category, or scroll down to see all our resources below.

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Revising for Coherence


Readers agree that effective writing proceeds in some sensible order with each sentence following naturally from the one before it. We generally call that “coherence” or the sense that the material is unified. When the material doesn’t feel connected or “whole,” the reader might comment that the organization is “jumpy” [...]

Reading Your Reader


“You need a comma here. Also, what does this sentence mean?” I know unclear comments are just a part of getting feedback, but I still do a double-take when I see them. What were you, my reader, thinking? Did you mean my sentence is unclear, and adding a comma will [...]

Finding Clarity Despite the Clutter


Like many, I multi-task throughout the day, juggling various responsibilities at the computer. Today, I’m juggling emails, finishing reports, editing texts, and writing this reflection.  If I am not careful, a variety of documents stack upon each other on my screen, and multiple internet browsers lie open, tempting me to [...]

Learning to Accept Feedback


When I finish a draft, I want to hear how a reader reacts to my thinking and the way I’ve expressed it. I know from experience that this feedback will help make my next draft clearer and more effective. But knowing feedback’s value doesn’t keep me from pushing back against [...]

Writing with Empathy


Recently I came across an article by Stephen Pressfield that reminded me my readers are  “donating [their] time and attention, which are supremely valuable commodities."  I owe it to them to give something valuable, whether that be a well-told story, important information, or a new way of thinking about an [...]

Writing Thesis and Dissertation Proposals


Keep in mind that the goal of writing proposals is to argue two things: Your project is worth doing. Is it substantial? Is it interesting? Is it original? You are well-prepared to do it. Do you know enough about previous research on the topic? Do you offer an appropriate assessment [...]

The Dissertation: Chapter Breakdown


Dissertation Overview The traditional dissertation is organized into 5 chapters and includes the following elements and pages: Title page (aka cover page) Signature page (aka committee page but without signatures) Copyright page (strongly recommended to protect your scholarship) Abstract (We’ll emphasize spending quality time refining the abstract as it’s [...]

Dissertation & Thesis Writing Groups


Starting a writing group is a very good way to keep you connected and supported during what can be an isolating act of writing. The scheduled meetings should be frequent enough to keep the writing momentum going—a long, two-hour meeting every month can work more effectively than shorter, more frequent meetings. The [...]

Writing an APA Lit Review


The Review of Literature is often a daunting academic writing task. While there are sometimes specific purposes outlined by your faculty member, most reviews of literature serve as an overview of the research that support your prevailing thesis or  research questions outlined in your proposal or final project (thesis or [...]

Five Habits of Successful Professionals


Over the years, I’ve seen a lot of students in on-ground classes, online classes and hybrid courses too. Though the technology has constantly changed, certain things have not. Check out the five online habits used by high performers in adult, online education: Successful learners stay in touch with the online [...]

Email Etiquette


What would we do without email? These days we rely heavily on email as one of our primary modes of communication, and while email is generally more informal than the formal letter, emailing a colleague or professional associate is best regarded in a more formal light. Reason? We’re usually emailing [...]

Writing an Annotated Bibliography


The Annotated Bibliography is a standard academic writing exercise that stimulates critical thinking through researching, analyzing, and evaluating those resources to compose effective annotations. The Annotated Bibliography reflects the researcher's understanding and evaluation of sources, and thus it is an excellent vehicle for increasing expertise in a topic. Annotated bibliographies [...]

Calm Your Mind in Chaos


Like many writers, I spend much time researching and preparing to write, and my office is quickly littered with stacks of books, folders, and scribbled pages. What might appear as disorder is actually a reflection of my exploration and is an essential part of my process. Unfortunately, though, as my desk disappears beneath all my [...]

Find a Community of Writers


You don't have to write alone! Recently I found myself re-reading Stephen King’s memoir On Writing. While King writes with a delightful irreverence, he offers a very grounded, no-nonsense perspective about writing. As I read this time, I noticed a recurrent theme that King writes within a deliberate community of [...]